How can I purchase another allergy kit or additional supplies?
At the point of purchase, you should have been provided an order form via email with instructions for all additional supplies and kit re-orders. If you are unable to find it, please contact the Customer Support Team at 1.844.REACHRX.
How can I access the online learning portal?
You will receive an email invitation to access the online learning portal and configure your access information and password.
I set up my online learning account, but I forgot the website. Where is the online learning portal?
You can access the portal at https://allereach.rise.com. Use your identified email address and created a password to log in.
What if I forgot my password for the online learning portal?
You can access the portal at https://allereach.rise.com and click on the 'Forgot Password?' You can follow the steps to enter your email address to reset your password.
How can I reset my password for the online learning portal?
Once logged into the portal, access 'Profile' from the upper right-hand corner. Follow the quick steps to 'Reset Password' and 'Save Changes.'
How can I change my account's email address for the online learning portal?
Once logged into the portal, access 'Profile' from the upper right-hand corner. Follow the quick steps to 'Reset Password' and 'Save Changes.'
Which internet browsers are best for the online learning portal?
The latest version of each browser will provide the best experience. For a desktop experience: Windows (Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge) and Mac (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox). For a mobile experience: Safari in Apple iOS 11 or later, Google Chrome in Apple iOs 11 or later, Google Chrome in Android OS 4.4 or later.
How can I reset my password for the online learning portal?
You can access the portal at https://allereach.rise.com and click on the 'Forgot Password?' You can follow the steps to enter your email address to reset your password.
Where can I find information on how to carry out an allergy test?
For more information the allergy testing process, please refer to your Allergy Services Clinic Reference Guide.
How are my allergen extracts shipped?
A reputable courier is used to ship overnight for all extracts. Extracts are packed and shipped in accordance with studies that have evaluated the stability of allergen extracts when shipped at ambient temperatures. These studies concluded that only temperature extremes, over a prolonged period, led to antigen degradation and a loss in potency, particularly with glycerinated extracts.
Should prolonged deviations occur during shipment, please reach out to the Customer Service Team to assess changes in potency. During the summer, ice packs can be included upon request, but these come at an additional cost and are likely not necessary.
What if my immunotherapy order isn’t cold when it arrives?
AlleReach carefully considers temperatures and time in transit for the shipping process. Only during unexpected delays in delivery, along with extreme temperature fluctuations, would the product encounter situations that might lead to product degradation. If prolonged deviations have occurred, please contact the Customer Service Team to assess changes possible changes in product potency.
How soon do I need to dilute the formulation?
Dilution should take place as quickly as possible after receipt of product. If you are unable to dilute within three (3) days of receiving product, please reach out to the Customer Service Team for instructions on creating new vial and box labels which reflect appropriate expiration dates.
What if my immunotherapy order isn’t cold when it arrives?
Product does not require being cold to the touch upon arrival. AlleReach adheres to shipping standards which consider many factors, especially temperatures and time in transit. Only temperature extremes over an extended period have shown to lead to product degradation. If prolonged deviations have occurred, please contact the Customer Service Team to assess possible changes in product potency.
How do I store the prescription?
Although the allergens are stable for short periods of time at non-extreme temperature, it’s best to refrigerate the product upon receipt unless dilution will occur immediately. Once dilution has occurred, vials are to be refrigerated when not actively being used.
Why does it appear that there is visible sediment in the master vial?
Multiple diluent solutions are utilized for formulating allergy immunotherapy vials for use in allergic patients. These diluents include both normal saline (NSP) and human serum albumin (HSA). NSP is comprised of a salt, buffered solution containing phenol (0.4%), while HSA is formulated using this same NSP solution with an additional human serum albumin (0.03%) component. The human serum albumin is a non-specific protein addition, which allows for the diluent to have an increased protein concentration, enabling improved allergen stability. Both diluent formulations contain 0.4% phenol, which functions as a bacteriostatic agent to prevent microbial growth. On occasion, NSP and HSA will contain small particulate matter. While this phenomenon occurs infrequently, investigations into the nature and cause of these events have been conducted. Chemical analyses of precipitated lots of both diluents have been performed. No gross change in chemical composition has been observed in either diluent containing precipitation. Additional circumstances for precipitation are observed in HSA diluent vials, independent of phenol-related discoloration. As previously discussed, HSA is a non-specific protein utilized to increase the protein concentration of an allergy diluent. The appearance of HSA-related precipitant is translucent, globular, filament-like and has been found to be harmless. If you observe particulates outside of what is described above, please contact the Customer Service Team for further guidance.
Can I order additional marketing materials?
Yes. A list of additional marketing materials is included in your Welcome Package, and a digital copy can be found in your USB drive.
Who can help me if I have a question or issue with billing or payers?
For general best practices related to billing, please contact the Customer Support Team at 1.844.REACHRX. Customized claim guidance or appeal support are not available under this service offering. We are currently in the process of establishing a list of preferred billing vendors should you wish take advantage of their services. Please note: These vendors are not affiliated with us and operate independently.
Who do I contact if there is an issue with my shipment?
If you believe there is an issue with an order, please contact the Customer Support Team at 1.844.REACHRX.
My immunotherapy patient has missed doses or lapsed in compliance during their last vial. Can I give them their next vial at its planned dilution?
Patients that miss a scheduled dose should follow the guidance in their dosage logs and adjust accordingly. If you have any questions regarding how lapses in compliance may affect their next vial pickup, please contact the Customer Support Team at 1.844.REACHRX.
What times of day is the Customer Support Team available? How can I submit a question after hours?
The Customer Support Team is available from 8am to 7pm CT, Monday to Friday. However, you may send a question to them at any time via email at RX.Support@AlleReach.com. Questions will be responded to within 24 hours or by the end of the next business day.